Canadian Financially Driven Millennials

Having a mindset that pays particular attention to financial matters such as personal debt, retirement planning and pensions, this is a group that seeks financial advice and desires to save money but also has some ability to manage their own investments and financial portfolio. When they do spend money, Visa is their primary credit card. They are employed full-time and their work is important to them, but they also make time for relaxation inside and outside of the home with activities such as cable TV watching, reading books, and attending live theater. These activities may be accompanied by a beverage of choice such as beer or wine. They are heavy tech device users and heavy consumers of news. They also like to keep fit and to take trips abroad. They are primarily urban-based homeowners who, while residing primarily in Ontario and the Prairies, also are more likely to be residents of British Columbia than other Personas. They are more likely to be male, with a median age of 32 and about half are single. They also represent a fairly large percentage (about one-third) of individuals not born in Canada. Their median household income is $105,000 and a little more than one-third have more than $100,000 in assets beyond their home. They describe themselves as a “go-getter” and are fairly eager to learn new things.