Younger Baby Boomers
“I am focused on myself and on my job security”

Younger Baby Boomers (sometimes known as Generation Jones) have a median age of 60, are predominantly Caucasian, are likely to reside in the suburbs, and usually are married with grown children.

Younger Boomers focus their lives on personal growth, personal gratification, and individualism, sometimes to the point of self-centeredness.  They tend to define themselves by their careers and connect their self-worth to their jobs.  Professionally, they are ethical, competent, and hard-working verging on workaholic (defined as working more than 60 hours per week).  They believe a strong work ethic is more important than actual skills, but are willing to engage in continuing education and training if it will lead to career advancement and financial compensation. For them, job security is of paramount importance, even more so than job advancement.

Financially, Younger Boomers tend to be resentful that they do not have the security they feel they were promised in their youth.  They worry that their household finances have worsened over time, that their own income won’t keep up with inflation, and that their children will have a lower standard of living than they enjoyed.  They tend to see government as contributing to their financial problems rather providing solutions, causing them to lean conservative when they vote.

Younger Boomers generally view religion as an important part of their lives and a source of moral guidance.  However, they are unlikely to attend religious services regularly or to translate religious beliefs into organized actions such as contributions to social or political causes.

Baby Boomers were the first generation to be raised on television and Younger Boomers continue to watch more broadcast TV than other generations, including their older cohorts, averaging approximately 27 hours a week in front of the television set.  That said, they also have adapted quickly to newer technologies and innovations, being likely to own a laptop and smart phone and perhaps also a desktop computer and tablet.  They like contributing to online product reviews and enjoy viewing blogs, online articles, and online videos.

In their purchase choices, Younger Boomers are very interested in new products that they perceive as making their lives “better” in some way.  They do not care if a company represents a good cause, but do care that it treats its customers well and that its brands deliver on the promises they make.