Customized Panel

PersonaPanels is able to create custom Synthetic Respondents that represent your unique customer base and made available for your exclusive use. 

Your Customized Synthetic Respondent Panel begins when we meet with you to determine your research objectives, target market, available sources of existing data on your target market, and areas where supplemental data may be required.  Once the data is gathered and analyzed, we divide it into distinct segments with unique and identifiable characteristics (if you have existing segmentation studies that you would like us to use, we will align your Synthetic Respondents with segments you already have identified).

Once your team and ours agree on the number of segments desired by you and supported by the data, we will create your Synthetic Respondents and send them out to the Internet, where their machine learning capability allows them to scan for and integrate information that is of interest to the population segments they represent.  Within two weeks of creation, your Synthetic Respondents are fully active and able to satisfy many of your most pressing research needs. 

For a more detailed look at the research needs your customized Synthetic Respondents can help you meet, see our Services That Provide Solutions page.