Don’t Call Me a Millennial
“Business & family are my total focus”
Hispanic, 30-37 years old, working full-time as professionals and business owners who live in rural, suburban, and urban areas of the West Coast. They are slightly more likely to be female than male (60% female/40% male), have at least some college, a median income of $70,000, and an average of $15,000 in student debt. The vast majority are married with children ranging in age from toddler to early teens. Politically, they are equally as likely to be Democratic as Republican and are extremely likely to have voted in the last presidential election.
Professionally, they like their jobs and feel that their education and training satisfactorily prepared them for their careers. They are comfortable multi-tasking, are extremely comfortable working with diverse co-workers, value a friendly work environment but prefer individual rather than team-oriented tasks. They have good verbal and nonverbal communication skills, preferring face-to-face conversations, but their tight schedules often result in “snippet” conversations through text, email, and Facebook.
In their personal lives, they speak to their parents once a day and occasionally seek their advice about personal matters and purchase decisions. Their time is not at all flexible: spent at work or with family, not in travel or with friends outside of the office. They shop for groceries at whatever store is in closest proximity (grocery store or convenience store), making purchase decisions quickly and basing those decisions on price rather than brand loyalty. Because their day-to-day lives are rushed, they value fast service in stores and casual restaurants, but still rank “friendly” service as very important. They are interested in saving for the future but also interested in instant gratification. They are not concerned with civic or philanthropic causes nor are they concerned with “green” purchase choices. They lack time for working out and their appearance is not particularly important to them. They do not spend much time on social media sites and are unlikely to contribute content to it, although they own multiple electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets. They are more likely to own a home than to rent and to own a car than to use a car service. Their jobs and their family are their central focus.